We are so excited to welcome you back to Children’s Therapy Corner. We have missed your smiling faces and we are pleased that we can initiate face to face therapy sessions across all locations. There are some important updates and changes that we must share prior to your first day in the clinics.
We have created Health and Safety teams for each location responsible to monitor all information from the CDC, WHO, our professional organizations and all Executive Orders mandated at the state level and update our response as appropriate. We want to keep you, your child and our employees as safe as possible during this challenging time.
Greeting Stations:
When you come to the office, be prepared to stop at our Greeting Station. Please be respectful of social distancing and look for markings and signs to help.
Screening Forms:
There is a strict screening protocol that must be completed each day prior to entering the buildings. Please review the Screening Form provided that you can download and bring a completed form to the office on your first day, or there will be additional forms at the Greeting Station located at the front area of all offices. Every day a Screening Form must be completed, and a team member will be checking temperatures of those that enter. If anyone, for any reason is unable to ‘pass’ this Screening Form, please contact your local office and a member of our team will share when we can have you return. We know this is imperative to keep everyone safe and reduce the spreading of the virus.
Download the Family Screening Tool Form
The Family Screening Tool outlines the response necessary if any area on the Screening Form is answered with a YES. The screening form and the response tool are based on information from the CDC. We will monitor on a regular basis if there is any change required for these forms.
Download the Family Screening PDF
If your child is sick please call ahead and stay home
At CTC, all staff will be wearing masks. We need for any parents planning to enter our buildings to also wear a mask. This is currently mandated by Executive Order in Michigan and CTC will comply. However, your child will not be required to wear a mask. The decision, if your child wears a mask, is yours. If you would like your child to wear one, please bring it and plan to put it on your child and let your therapist know. Please keep in mind that the Center of Disease Control indicates that cloth face coverings should not be placed on young children under the age of 2 or anyone who experiences trouble breathing.
Download Seeing Other People Wearing Masks PDF

Credit: Scotto Kim/PEOPLE
Social Distancing
We will adhere to Social Distancing Guidelines as outlined by the State of Michigan Executive Orders or as issued by any government or regulatory agency. Therefore, we are reducing the number of people within the offices. Families, please consult with your therapist prior to the session for your involvement in treatment. If you are not involved in the sessions, we prefer you wait outside for your child and not anticipate waiting in our lobby. Your therapist will share where to meet your child at the conclusion of their session. Please note that at the last session, be prepared to be 5 minutes early allowing the therapist to fully sanitize and clean the therapy areas prior to their next child.
Cleaning Protocols
We will be cleaning and sanitizing all areas on a regular basis. Standard Products Available in All Treatment Rooms •Husky•Lysol Spray •Hand Sanitizer •Disinfect Wipe •Gloves •Paper towel •Uric Acid Eradicator (Located in a central cleaning supply area only). Please be advised if you have any concern for your child related to these products and possible allergic reactions.
We will continue to adhere to the COVID-19 Methods to stop the spread of germs and adhere to the methods for cough and sneeze etiquette and hand washing protocols. Your child will wash their hands upon entry and as necessary.
Please watch our video on Facebook that will be available by Friday for an overview of the changes at CTC.
We know this is a lot of information. If you would like detailed material related to Children’s Therapy Corner’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, please let us know and we will provide.
COVID Health & Safety Response Plan: Administrative Guidelines and Protocols
COVID Health & Safety Response Plan: PPE Guidelines and Protocols
COVID Health & Safety Response Plan: Treatment Guidelines and Protocols